Building Memories: A Heartwarming Thanksgiving at Spring Gardens Senior Living

Posted: November 22, 2023 | Categories: News | Lifestyle | Heart of Hubble

This Thanksgiving, the Hubble team had the pleasure of spreading joy to the wonderful residents of Spring Gardens Senior Living in Meridian. With homemade holiday cards and sugar-free Russell's chocolates in hand, we visited the 68 residents, bringing smiles and creating heartwarming memories.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth as we shared stories and laughter, connecting with the seniors and learning about their cherished Thanksgiving traditions. The genuine joy on their faces as they received our tokens of gratitude was truly touching.

As we left Spring Gardens, our hearts were full, reminding us that building homes is about more than structures—it's about building a community and spreading kindness. This holiday season, let's all take a moment to share joy with those around us.


By Hubble Homes, LLC

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