COVID-19: Additional measures we are taking to help ensure everyone’s safety and well-being

Posted: March 13, 2020 | Categories: News

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The health and safety of our customers and team members are always a top priority for Hubble Homes.

As we continue to monitor the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19), we believe it is important that we share with you some of the additional measures we are taking to help ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.

In addition to the regular professional cleaning that is already part of our routine operations at our Model Homes, Sales Centers, Design Showroom and Office, we have further increased the frequencies. We have also made sure that each location has the appropriate resources available to continue making it a place of safety.

In accordance to the information we have received, preparedness and understanding, we are happy to inform you that our Model Homes and Sales Centers are staffed and safely open according to normal business hours.


We look forward to seeing you soon!

Thank you,
Hubble Homes

To learn more about our homes and communities online, please visit our Home Plans page at where you can access all our Interactive Floorplans, Virtual Tours and Galleries.

By Hubble Homes, LLC

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