2022 Hero House Charities: WCA

Posted: July 5, 2022 | Categories: Heart of Hubble


The WCA's (Women's and Children's Alliance) mission of safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault is achieved through our free community and residential services that include safe shelter, counseling, case management, court advocacy, financial empowerment, childcare, 24/7 hotlines, and support groups.

"With the generosity of Hubble Homes and partners, we are excited to dedicate these funds to support our children services such as licensed childcare in shelter, drop in childcare for our community client and child play therapy counseling services. Youth services are an intentional component of our work that in addition to holistic care for children experiencing trauma, and help prevent the cycle of abuse and teaches young people about healthy relationships. Where our WCA vision is to foster a community that thrives in safe, healthy relationships."

Photos include products from our WCA Shelter Family Nights - "Family Night provides a safe space and a creative outlet for our clients to come together and have some fun. Spending quality time together is just one way we can support our clients on their healing journey."


Vision: Safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault, providing services to all who have experienced domestic abuse and/or sexual assault regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Mission: To foster a community where individuals thrive in safe, healthy relationships.

You can learn more about Women’s and Children’s Alliance by visiting their website

By Hubble Homes, LLC

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