Hubble Homes Earns 2021 Energy Star® Market Leader Award

Posted: June 30, 2021 | Categories: News | Awards | Energy Efficiency

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We are proud to announce that we have received the 2021 ENERGY STAR® Market Leader Award for our energy efficient residential construction. We help homebuyers experience the quality, comfort, and value that come with living in an ENERGY STAR certified home or townhome.

Each year the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program presents the Market Leader Awards to outstanding partners who have made important contributions to energy efficient construction and environmental protection. The award goes to developers who build or verify a significant number of ENERGY STAR certified homes. In 2020, Hubble Homes built a total of 663 homes throughout the Treasure Valley and all of them were 100 percent ENERGY STAR homes. 

Our homes have earned the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR certification. ENERGY STAR certified homes are a minimum of 10 percent more efficient than homes built to code and achieve an average of a 20 percent improvement on better air quality, performance, and comfort.

Homes that earn the ENERGY STAR label are designed and built to standards well above most other homes on the market today. When ENERGY STAR rigorous requirements are applied to new home construction, the result is a home built better from the ground up, delivering better durability, better comfort, and reduced utility and maintenance costs.

Features of an ENERGY STAR certified home include:

  • A Complete Thermal Enclosure System — Comprehensive air sealing, properly installed insulation, and high-performance windows work together to enhance comfort, improve durability, reduce maintenance costs, and lower monthly utility bills. 
  • A Complete Heating and Cooling System — High-efficiency systems that are engineered and installed to deliver more comfort, better moisture control, improved indoor air quality, and quieter operation.
  • A Complete Water Management System — A comprehensive package of best building practices and materials protects roofs, walls, and foundations from water damage provides added protection, and reduces the risk of indoor air quality problems.
  • Energy-Efficient Lighting and Appliances — ENERGY STAR qualified lighting, appliances, and fans are commonly installed throughout ENERGY STAR certified homes, helping to reduce monthly utility bills, while providing high-quality performance.

More information about ENERGY STAR can be found at and

"Hubble is pleased to offer all of our home buyers more efficient, durable, and comfortable homes with ENERGY STAR certification," said CEO Don Hubble. 

“Our 2021 Market Leader Award winners demonstrate a high level of commitment to making ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments available to American consumers. EPA proudly recognizes Hubble Homes' efforts as an ENERGY STAR partner,” said Jonathan Passe, Chief of the ENERGY STAR Residential Branch at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.   


By Hubble Homes, LLC

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