Building Homes, Building Hearts: The Hubble Team Visits Spring Gardens Senior Living for Valentine's Day

Posted: February 14, 2024 | Categories: News | Lifestyle | Heart of Hubble

As you know, at Hubble Homes, we believe in more than just building homes; we aim to build communities and foster connections. Recently, the Hubble Team had the pleasure of spreading love and warmth at Spring Gardens Senior Living in Meridian.

In the spirit of Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras, we ventured into Spring Gardens armed with homemade cards, cuddly teddy bears, and sweet chocolates. As we distributed these tokens of affection, we witnessed the joy and smiles they brought to the faces of the residents.

We care deeply about the well-being of the communities we build in, including the seniors who have contributed so much to the community. Our visit to Spring Gardens Senior Living was a small gesture to show that we care about more than just the houses we build. We will continue to find ways to give back to the community. Thank you, Spring Gardens Senior Living, for allowing us to share the love this Valentine's Day.


By Hubble Homes, LLC

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