Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the HERS® Index

    The HERS® Index is a numerical rating of a home’s energy efficiency based on the RESNET® Home Energy Rating System energy efficiency scale, which is similar to the MPG for your car.

  2. Who is RESNET®?

    The Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET®) is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1995 to help homeowners reduce the cost of their utility bills by making their homes more energy efficient. This organization developed the Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index, a standard of home efficiency recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the American mortgage industry. RESNET® also trains and certifies HERS® home raters

  3. How is the HERS® Index measured?

    A home’s HERS® Index is determined by a RESNET® certified rater, using standardized procedures developed by RESNET® in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. EPA, and the American mortgage industry for inspecting, testing, and conducting a computer analysis of the energy performance of a homes.

  4. Why should I be interested in HERS® Index for a home?

    The HERS® Index score can be used to compare the energy efficiency of homes. The lower the HERS® Index score, the more energy efficient the home. When comparing similar sized homes, a home with a HERS® Index of 80 is 33%* more efficient than a home with a HERS® Index of 120 and would expect to spend 33% less in energy costs.
    *A HERS® Index of 120, less a HERS® Index of 80, equals 40 points. 40/120=33.3

  5. Many appliances are now labeled "Energy Star", isn't that enough to lower my energy costs?

    Like your car, the more efficient the home, the lower your utility costs will be every year. Just because a home or appliance has an “Energy Star” label doesn’t mean you are going to get the most for your money. The real test for a new home in 21st Century efficiency is the HERS® Index.

  6. What is other homebuilders offer a big list of 'efficiency features", but no HERS® rating?

    A big list of features may look good, but will they really save you money? Don’t get lost in the hype. Check the HERS® Index first to really see how efficient the home really is. Don’t put your faith in a list of “efficiency features” without knowing how much you could really end up paying!


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